The works has started it was a hard birth. Everything took a long time. Ginger was obsessed with lights and metals and insisted on every piece he designed. Ryan found a contractor to do the hard work and build everything.
The contractor was tough enough man, but in this project, it was a different story. He tended to cry and doubt his faith. There was a meeting on the construction site two weeks before opening.
Contractor: We got into all the trouble you could ever imagine.
Ginger: When you plan something well there’s no need to rush.
Ryan: Uh, man you’ll end up in hell. What is that you got on?
Ginger: What? This?
Ryan: Yeah, that.
Ginger: This is a very, very, very nice suit.
Ryan: That's a very, very, very nice suit, huh?
Ginger: Yeah.
Ryan: That's a clown suit.
Ginger: Never let anyone know what you are thinking.
Ryan to ginger: See, ya are what ya are in this world. That's either one of two things: Either you’re somebody, or you ain’t nobody.
Ryan to contractor: Can we ever finish it in time?
Contractor: Don’t you believe to your own damn legend? Of course we can.
Ryan to both: Uh, If not I am doomed, and you two you go down with me!
Ginger: Nobody panics when things go “according to plan”. Even if the plan is horrifying
Ryan: Uh, Uh!