Dělat les Exhibition

The exhibition “Making of a Forest” is based on the current state of Czech forestry. It presents the keystones of forest-based production, forest maintenance and logging. The visual material for the exhibition was created over the course of one year and represents a time-lapse record of the 100-year-long cycle of a forest. It captures the process of cultivation of trees, logging and the transformation of trees into wood.
The exhibition reflects the cultural conception of a forest. We’re passing through an urban environment, through exhibition halls whose visual and structural nature makes reference to the “temples” of our civilization. The photographic representation calls into question the very dichotomy nature vs. culture, art and industry. Our view of the forest is an anthropocentric one – we see it as a silvicultural environment.
By placing emphasis on the activities that affect the function of forests, we’re opening a debate about the nature of human influence. We believe in social responsibility and a long-term concept of forestry which will preserve the complex role of forests in both cultural and natural contexts.
19. 9. 2017 – 31. 1. 2018 National Agricultural Museum, Kostelní 44, Prague 7 Concept: Jakub Skokan, Martin Tůma, Vendula Tůmová / BoysPlayNice Vojtěch Dorňák, Luděk Szórád / Kloboucká lesní s. r. o. Jan Mach, Jan Vondrák / Mjölk architekti Photography: Jakub Skokan, Martin Tůma / BoysPlayNice Exhibition Course: Vendula Tůmová / BoysPlayNice Architecture: Jan Vondrák, Jan Mach / Mjölk architekti Graphic Design: Lenka Mičolová Logistic and Installation: Radim Černín / Kloboucká lesní s. r. o.